
Your home can be the new office

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Entering the work force looks different than it did years ago. Beginning a career doesn’t always mean going to an office. Many people are fortunate to find jobs that allow them the flexibility of working from home. While this can be a fabulous opportunity, it can have challenges as well.

Join us on the blog today with a post by consultant, Betsy Morris, as she gives us tips on working from home:

Your four years of hard work has paid off. You have arrived at the light at the end of the tunnel. College graduation is behind you. You nailed the interview and have landed a job. Now what? 

Twelve plus years of school is over and now you have been plunged into a new bigger pond and might be feeling very small in this new world. 

Today is a world of modern technology and everyday it seems there is another break through, allowing us to do our jobs faster and easier. 

Companies are evolving as well and embracing these new technological advances and one of these advances is the ability to allow their employees to work from home also called remote employees or telecommuting. Telecommuting is a great way for businesses to save on their bottom line by eliminating overhead expenses that comes with maintaining a physical office space, in addition saving money on office supplies etc. 

Telecommuting can be beneficial for both employer and employee, but can also be hindering. For employers it can reduce the costs of having physical office space, office supplies and the expenses of having a physical location. For employees, it can reduce costs on a vehicle, public transportation, fuel for car, and even wardrobe.

But with these advantages comes disadvantages, like not being able to conduct tasks by walking to a co-worker or employee desk, having to conduct business and requests through email, conference calls or teleconference. Never quite knowing when a response we will be received or interpreted correctly. 

Making a schedule. Have a dedicated start and end time. 

Taking schedule breaks

Staying focused and on task. 

Have a dedicated area to work free from interruptions. 

If you are within driving distance from office, make specific days where you do work in the office purely for networking with fellow employees and leaders in the organization. You lose this from working at home. 

Perception is reality and in a corporate environment they see you working paints a mental perception that you are making an effort to network and be seen. 

Identify what needs to be done during your work day and get it done. 

Don’t let friends come by during your work time. 

Although the idea of working from in your PJ’s seems tempting, actually get up and show up. Dress the part. Getting up and dressed like your going to the office helps put you in that mental state of working. 

Getting out of the house and working from a coffee house library etc can help you separate work and personal time. 

Your home office should reflect that of an office. Investing a little money to create a nice working environment does improve work productivity. 

If you work from home and have children, try posting red and green signs on the door so they know when it’s ok to interrupt. 

Understand working from home in many roles means being flexible and some days work may start at 6am or 9am and end at 4pm or later. 

The responsibility from working from home comes with the responsibility of being flexible to get work done. 

If married/attached or have roommate and transitioning to working from home, talk with your significant other or roommate and discuss expectations and boundaries. Majority of your work interacting with other people will involve phone calls and video conferencing and being aware of your space and the noise in your space is very important in exhibiting a professional al demeanor. 

Most people you with interact with outside your company may not know you work from home and hat should not be an excuse for any unprofessional noises or surroundings. You should strive to present yourself professionally at all times as even though your working from home your representing your company. You want to do so in the best light. 

Betsy Morris

Imagine College Coaching

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