

Around this time last year, I waited in a complete state of misery for one envelope that would contain one piece of paper that could determine the next four years of my life. I know that this might sound a bit dramatic, but if you have ever been in the shoes of a millennial high school senior, you understand the exact feeling I’m talking about.

As a high school student, so much pressure is put on you about where you will end up at college. Sometimes our parents and teachers bring that pressure, sometimes we bring it upon ourselves, but nonetheless, this all-consuming question of where you’ll end up next fall plagues the minds of most high school seniors. And I get it. Patience has never been my strongest virtue, so as each week passed and more students tweeted/talked about getting in to my number one choice school, I worried more. Christmas break passed, and I became more anxious. January flew by, and I became more impatient. Eventually I got an answer (which is another story for another time), and eventually everything worked out for the best, but those four and a half months of waiting drained me. The process so easily discouraged me, and affected me in ways I didn’t expect. Other schools’ offers seemed almost worthless as all of my hope rested in this one school. I put a lot of pressure on myself and my ability to get into this single university, and that led to a lot of uneasiness and unnecessary stress.

I came to a point at which I realized I couldn’t do anything about waiting. I had done all that I could leading up to the moment I submitted my application, and I had to trust that either that would be enough, or I would end up at a school far better for me. As difficult as it was, I decided that I would not allow this waiting game to hurt me. Whether or not this school accepted me would not define me, my abilities, or my intelligence. I trusted in God’s plan for my life, that He had something far better than my plans. I’m telling you that this changed everything. I might’ve still checked my email too much, but I had peace. I could finally enjoy my life, time with my friends, and I started giving other schools a chance (and what great things I saw!). Opening up to other schools allowed me to really enjoy the time I had left, because the possibilities for my future became endless. I grew a lot in that time, learning new things about myself and leaning how to depend more on Christ. No matter where you’re at in this college searching process, I strongly encourage you to let go of all fear or anxiety you might have about college (especially that one school) and to know your future is yours and it can be anything you want it to be.

Ultimately, I’m here to tell you that I get where you’re at, high school senior. I totally understand your constant (or maybe less frequent than mine) wondering and worrying. But I’m also here to tell you that it’s going to be ok. No matter what the letter or email says, you will be fine. You will end up at the best place for you, and that’s all that really matters. It’s not worth the constant pit in your stomach, checking your email every 5 minutes, or however else you’re stressing. Enjoy the time you have now, the friends you’re with, and even those family dinners. I promise this semester will fly by and before you know it, you’ll stand in the center of your campus, and as you walk to class and meet new friends, you’ll know that you’re home. 

Article by Nicole Prinz / My Personal College Coach / Imagine Coaching

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