
What does it take to be a Winner?


It is the ordinary days.  The ordinary days are where the winner does his/her training.  In the middle of the mundane, the winner chooses to develop his/her character and persevere when those around him are getting bored and losing steam.  

My Personal Motto on those days is : Get up, Dress up and Show up!  It is on these days that I have to talk myself into being in the winners circle.  Winners aren’t born that way….they become that way.  

The good news is, you have the power to be a winner.  People around you can’t make you a winner, your bank account doesn’t reflect if you are a winner.  Your grades, your job, your status….none of these prove if you are a winner.  You see, some people get to those places by means that aren’t characterized by a winner.  The definition for this person is IMPOSTER.
The TRUE Winner reaches his/ her goals by the strength of character they possess on the inside.  They start with the big picture in mind.  They picture themselves in a bright future.

Tips to Becoming a Winner :

Give more than you take
Own your mistakes
Look at the solutions, not the problems
Surround yourself with those who make you better
Learn from everyone you meet
Find the value in others
Help others Win
Be Honest
Dream Big
Set Big Goals
Know your destination
Dictate how your time and money are being spent
Be Humble
Never give less than your best
Think outside of the box
Keep your commitments- every single one of them
Embrace your weakness and correct it
Get Up, Dress Up and Show up, even on the ordinary days!

You have the chance to be a Winner Today!  It doesn’t matter what is in your past.  Don’t look back, you’re not headed in that direction!

Take steps today to your new future….no matter how intimidating, it’s time to get busy!

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